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Thursday, 14 March 2013


      Considering this is my final assignment that I truly work independently on, I wanted my final prototype to encapsulate the majority (if not all) of the knowledge I have learnt over the year. I want to demonstrate that I know the theory and can execute it effectively  So, rather than simply designing a boring causal game (that will bore me), I want the challenge of taking a hardcore theme (horror), and make it accessible, thus casual. 

    I've been playing a lot of indie horror games recently. I love the way each of the games has an isolated and simple setting, with puzzles directing the game play and the scares creating the dynamics. I want to replicate this in a board game.

    The small and simple setting would be the board. The game play directing puzzles would be common, recognisable puzzles (maybe), and the scares are yet to be determined. But I need to find a way of tying all of this together with a obvious repetitive mechanics. The puzzle may not achieve this yet.

Anyhow, some of my ideas are below. I am to iron out theses dilemmas tonight and create a fully working mock-up.


CLUEDO CO-OPERATION – Players can optionally call players to their room (if linked) to help with a puzzle
SHARED TIME – If a player calls another to help with puzzle (each player has individual time limit) then player must continue with own puzzle with same time left
DARKNESS – Players can only see their immediate surrounding (possible chase mechanic instead).
TILES/CARD – Players reveal room as they enter with randomised benefits and disadvantages and timers.
END GOAL – Players work toward one end goal, only certain players.
CHARACTER CARDS – Players can choose actual in game characters for personalisation.
DIAL – Players move dial with time limit to add tension (repetitive) mechanic
PICTURES – Pictures of rooms on cards
MULTIPLE ENDINGS – Depending on how many characters survive, the ending is different – motivation to co-operate
DUMMY ROOM – In rare cases, players will have to call another player for help, only to battle for survival.


RIDDLES - Riddles would tie into the horror theme, whilst being incredibly recognisable with some affordance.
HANGMAN - Again, a puzzle everyone knows that fits the horrific theme of the game.
CROSSWORD - Another recognisable puzzle, one that could reveal parts of the story to add to the horror experience.
PICTURE PUZZLE - Again, a simple jigsaw puzzle that could reveal character or story aspects of the game.


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