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Sunday, 11 November 2012


       I had previously favourited Mirror's Edge as the game I wanted to review for a previous course. Considering this is the game I have finally chosen to redevelop as a board game for assignment 4, this review will be incredibly useful to me as I made sure I did my research before hand. I thought considering it's relevance, it would fit within this module blog whilst also being relevant to the current topic. Below is the Mirror's Edge review.

    Personally I believe I reviewed the game to the best of my ability considering the very harsh word limit I had. With a day's full of research I managed to fit a comprehensive and honest review into a page that is visually representative of the game. One of my favourite digital pieces as of yet, and considering it is incredibly useful to me now is only beneficial. Be my guest to read the review and tell me what you though of the game. And while you're at it, tell me what you thought of review page itself.


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