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Thursday, 4 October 2012


      In my first lecture/ workshop of game design, the class was put into groups of three to develop a game idea that we would eventually present to the rest of the class for both practice and criticism. However there was a twist - it had to be set in Manchester. Fortunately I had already spend months designing a game set in Manchester. Thus, I slyly managed to get the other members of my group to present this idea with me, with them believing it was a group effort that was developed within that class.

   Throughout my previous Games Design diploma, I was asked to develop a Pitch Document for a game idea of my own for a marked assessment - the Pitch Document I developed on Photoshop was for this exact game. Below is an image of the Front Page.

by Christian Whelan

     To summarise the game's premise, it is a First Person Action RPG set in Manchester after an infection has spread like wildfire, turning the population of Manchester (and maybe beyond) into agile zombies. The USP of the game is that throughout all of this you can utilise Parkour (Free Running) to not promote the player to attack, but to motivate the player to evade. The aim of the game is to escape and survive until rescue arrives rather than run in all guns blazing.  

   I personally like it at the moment, however it's still a work in progress. A couple of things need improvement; the blood doesn't overlay with the text very well and the Title (although its meaning fits with the games premise) may change. Overall, I might make some drastic changes to it in the future, as I don’t know how the games design will change in the future. To be honest I'm not quiet sure whether it conveys the feel of the game properly either. I just designed it to look good at that point in time. Hopefully I won’t have to change too much - it all depends on how the story behind it develops, because for me that determines everything.


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