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Sunday, 7 October 2012


        Below is the first draft of the instructions that players would read in each play test before playing the game itself. We spent so long prototyping the game itself that we had 5 minutes to get all the rules down on paper. They don't look to too terrible when copied into this blog, but on paper they became hard to digest, resulting in confusion. Along with this, crucial rules were not copied into this draft which determine key points in the game. Clearly these instructions were not successful in the play test session. 

  • The player that reaches the end with the most artefacts wins the game
  • The player must get to the end before the time runs out.

  • If player rolls a 6 on first go, he/she must stop in Cage until next turn.
  • If player gets stuck in Cage, his/her next roll is halved.

  • If player lands on Artefact Trap, he/she must lose 1 artefact.
  • If player lands on Artefact Reward, he/she gains 1 artefact.
  • If player lands on Gold Trap, he/she must lose 20 gold.
  • If player lands on Gold Reward, he/she gains 20 gold.

  • Player can either go down the straight route, or down the side path.
  • When player lands on Alter, he/she can decide to buy artefact(s) or buyout player(s) in Limbo.

  • If multiple players land on same Artefact Trap, each player must roll once. Whoever has the lowest roll must lose Artefact.
  • If multiple players land on same Gold Trap, each player must roll once. Whoever has the lowest roll must lose 20 Gold.
  • If multiple players land on same Artefact Reward, each player must roll once. Whoever has the highest roll gains 1 Artefact.
  • If multiple players land on same Gold Reward, each player must roll once. Whoever has the highest roll gains 20 Gold.

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